Technically speaking, here it’s illegal consuming anything related to cannabis. Nevertheless, we’d strongly recommend a stoner’s holiday here. Weed is very openly both sold and consumed in public, without any fears of repercussion. There have been many tentatives of taking it off the market, but the government decided it’s not only impossible, they don’t even care that much if people do consume soft drugs casually.
To make you an image of how openly you can smoke marijuana here, imagine that there are lots of restaurants in the capital and not exclusively here where you’ll have the great opportunity of serving dishes cooked with it. It’s sometimes served as e separate side dish as well. The great thing about it is that it’s not even that expensive for something that’s presumably illegal. Moreover, because of the massive consumption and the national economy for a foreigner this place is going to be a special sort of heaven on earth.
B.C. Canada most deff! Although, all of Canada is pretty good for the weed. Except maybe the prairies. There’s nothing here but beer lovin’ rednecks and coke-heads =(