The quantity of weed consumed, mode of consumption, and the length of time for which you have been taking marijuana are factors that will affect the length of time for which weed stays in your body. THC, the active ingredient […]
Fitness and lifestyle
The quantity of weed consumed, mode of consumption, and the length of time for which you have been taking marijuana are factors that will affect the length of time for which weed stays in your body. THC, the active ingredient […]
Cannabis is a wonderful way to stay in shape and maintain a healthy weight, yet also stimulate appetite and enjoy the finer things in life. Here are a few ways …
Amy Diiullo has been playing sports and working out since high school...and she's been smoking marijuana about that long, as well. She studied exercise science in college, and as she …
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]our to six times a week, elite triathlete Clifford Drusinsky wakes up at 3 AM to train. But before he sets out, he opts not for a sports drink but for …
7[dropcap]Y[/dropcap]ou don’t have to be a medical marijuana user for weed to improve your life. For many, this extraordinary plant acts as a powerful medicine. Yet, studies are showing that …
A cannabis-friendly gym may seem like an oxymoron, but it’s not for this California fitness center where you can smoke while you train. The gym, known as Power Plant Fitness, …