*Cannabis-infused sesame oil: Decarboxylate 7g of finely ground cannabis at 225 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes in a tightly sealed, oven-safe …
Demo category about food and restaurant.
*Cannabis-infused sesame oil: Decarboxylate 7g of finely ground cannabis at 225 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes in a tightly sealed, oven-safe …
Cannabis is taking its turn in the culinary spotlight. In restaurants and private dinners across the country, top chefs are using the subtle flavors, smells, and effects of cannabis to enhance …
Want your morning coffee to come with a little extra buzz? Brewbudz just might do the trick. A company called Cannabiniers on Wednesday launched the Brewbudz, which is “the world’s first cannabis infused coffee, …
Andrea Drummer is a Cordon Bleu trained chef who has worked in some of the most respected restaurants and hotels across the country. But, in 2011, she stumbled on an …
Eating or drinking raw cannabis sounds kind of gross, but there’s enough evidence to back up unorthodox practice and make us think that the plant should become an important green in our …
The market for cannabis edibles is exploding with new products like THC-infused tea, chicken wings and even ice cream. But not all consumers are happy about the revolution in culinary cannabis. …
As more states move to legalize marijuana, the cannabis industry continues to grow. The culinary community is on the leading edge. Chefs who use THC as a special ingredient are …
One of the most exciting things about farmers market season is the wide abundance of delicious finds at your local market—you never know what you’re going to find, but you’re likely …
Every dinner should be a special occasion since everyone gets to sit down and break bread together. Here are three recipes that you can use for a three course meal …
Marijuana can be responsibly enjoyed in many forms, from vaporizing to smoking to topical lotions. But for many, the easiest method of dosing legal or medical marijuana is simply eating …