Is Sex on weed better or worse? Does this vary by strain? How does Cannabis interact with Sex Drive (libido)? Does it affect testosterone as some early research suggested….are there different results with men and women to all these questions? Today on Lex’s World, in what is certainly a mature-audiences episode, we I try to tackle some of these sexual health questions, as I do get them once in a while. The problem is that no answer is 100% accurate…in the sense that not everyone experiences Cannabis & Sex-related symptoms the same way. It is not easily predictable like other drugs. You pretty much have to try it to know what applies to you; though I recommend you try it with a sativa-dominant hybrid strain…Not every person gets horny after they smoke up…not everyone has increased sensitivity and not everyone can perform sexually. There are also affects on Sperm Count that might be relevant to know for heavy and ongoing users.
I smoke all the time but have never done so before sex or have had sex while high! I’l have to try it out.
I don’t think having sex while under the influence of any drug, alcohol included, does anything for the sex or the relationship. If anything it is a cover up too you are able to still have sex with that person. Maybe just end the relationship and try someone else?
I have always enjoyed having sex while high but my current partner doesn’t like the smell….so out of respect I don’t. I miss it so much though.
Smoking before sleeping with my girl was always so much fun!
I feel sick when I smoke then fuck…is it only me?
I feel sick too. I don’t know why but it was just not a good experience for me.
I didn’t know people did this..weed has never made me horny so I don’t know how it will be while having sex.
I feel like it would make a girl dry and a guy not be able to get hard…..I wouldn’t even want to try out of fear of that.
Never came across any problems and has always been great fun….plus afterwards we are both hungry so we go make after sex food and just chill.
How are you guys so fucking okay with talking about your sex life? This is the internet you know!!
Because although sex is a private matter between 2 (or more depending on what you like) people, the need for information and the need to try things out is still all around us. Some people are just comfortable with this kind of discussion but if you aren’t then maybe look at something else. Just saying you don’t have to talk about it but you must have been interested to click on it.
I agree with Alan, although my sex life is private I am still interested to know about different things and if people have the same experience or something all together different. It’s not like I’m talking about what positions we do and all the things we say during sex. We are just talking about if it was good, bad, or something we do/do not want to try.
It’s just sex. We all do it. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.
I feel like this is something my girlfriend and I should try! We both love smoking but have never done anything more than make out while high….and even that is weird cause of cotton mouth!
Interesting video!
Good content. I think I will bring this up to my partner.
It wasn’t that great for me the first time i did it after smoking…..or the second or third…so I just don’t do it anymore.
I understand how you feel! I smoked then has sex once and never again!
Never tried but I’ll have to now! Great content
How o you bring something like this up to your partner? I don’t want him to think its not good enough….I feel like if I asked if we could get high before sex then he would get offended. Any tips?
I think the best thing you can do is let it happen naturally. Like just smoke with each other and then put the moves on him! Be the one who starts it after smoking and if you have to talk about it later then have an honest conversation about how it was and maybe making it a habit.
Thank you so much! I will try doing that!
I feel like weed and sex just go hand in hand!
Im not saying you shouldn’t do this I just don’t think I ever will.