A quick glance through the historical timeline of marijuana use shows that we humans knew about the benefits and effects of weed even thousands of years ago. Hemp was cultivated around 12,000 years ago. It was being used as food and medicine as far back as 6000 BCE. The plant was in use in India, China, and the Near East long before it appeared in Europe, Africa, and North America.
Let’s take a look at the health benefits of cannabis oil obtained from indica, sativa, and ruderalis strains. The main psychoactive compound in cannabis is delta-9-terahydrocannabinol, or THC.
Cannabis appeared on the shelves of pharmacies in the West around the 1840s. Researchers and medical practitioners began taking an interest in the anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anticonvulsant properties of cannabis. In the U.S, you can legally obtain cannabis in 25 states for medical purposes.
1. Cannabis oil stimulates appetite
Cannabis oil makes you feel hungry. If you are trying to gain weight then consuming a few drops of cannabis oil daily will stimulate those hormones that stimulate hunger. This makes it a useful treatment tool for those recovering from an illness.
2. Cannabis oil is a stress buster
Stress, anxiety, and cognitive impairments related to these can be mitigated with cannabis oil. A study published in 2013 mentions how cannabinoids influence stress receptors in the brain so that a subject’s emotional response to trauma was stabilized.
3. Cannabis oil is a painkiller
Cannabis oil is recommended for treating neuropathic and post-surgical pain. It is also used for making chronic pain more bearable. It has been used as an analgesic since time immemorial. It has an advantage over prescription drugs that it does not have any side effects nor does it lead to a debilitating physical dependence.
4. Cannabis oil maintains eye health
Cannabis oil helps regulate intraocular pressure; an increase in intraocular pressure results in glaucoma. However, the pressure-reducing effects of cannabis oil last at the most for four hours. Therefore, this treatment modality can be considered only as an adjunct to other treatment techniques.
5. Cannabis oil for skin health
Cannabis oil rids the skin of dead cells. It rejuvenates the skin, and also fights acne and eczema.
6. Cannabis oil is good for the heart
Cannabis oil has heart-healthy properties. Studies on animals have shown that cannabis oil may be help stave off heart attacks and hypertension. Cannabinoids have a dilatory effect on blood vessels. This helps regulate blood pressure.
7. Cannabis oil relieves PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects military personnel, emergency workers, firemen, and those who face physical and mental trauma. Cannabis oil stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain, and bring relief from stress related to PTSD.
Does smoking it help with acne or using the oil on your skin…im confused
I use cannabis for my anxiety. I smoke a little or eat a little when I know i am going to be around stressors that will trigger a panic attack. Haven’t had a freak out since I started using!
I like the idea that it can help with PTSD if only our military personal could use it legally.
I love the idea that cannabis is actually good for you!
One of our friends uses cannabis since she has cancer. it helps her not get sick and hold down food.
The idea that it can be used as a pain killer instead of all these medications that ruin our body is great!
when I smoke i don’t have an appetite…is that normal?
I lost over 40 lbs the first year i was smoking. I had less of an appetite and started eating things high in water because of all the cotton mouth I had.
Best pain killer on the market.
Of course it has been used for fucking ever it naturally grows.
They also used cocaine during surgery….you don’t see me buying that shit so why would i buy into this?
There is always a positive we were never taught about. instead we are taught that weed is bad.
I feel like my boyfriend needs to smoke. he got injured in high school and to this day still has pain.
I love weed.