It has long been assumed that there is a positive association between cannabis use and fighting cancer – not only does the plant help with symptoms and improve the appetite of those on chemo, it also seems to stop the spread of cancer itself. Now that restrictions on cannabis testing are finally being lifted, there is more proof than ever than cannabis kills cancer.
This proof doesn’t just come from marijuana enthusiasts or natural healers, but from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) itself. The studies they have done using cannabis and cancer cells prove that cannabis does in fact work to actively kill and fight cancer itself.
One of the studies they did revealed that cannabinoids block tumor growth by killing the cells of the tumor, blocking their growth, and blocking the growth of blood vessels that would help the cancer develop. Additionally, cannabis does not kill the normal cells – it specifically targets those that are a part of the tumor.
Cannabinoids have also been shown to protect against the colon becoming inflamed, thus protecting against the possibility of colon cancer. They also killed liver cancer cells in another study, and caused death of breast cancer cells, while leaving the other cells alone. Studies also showed that cannabis can be helpful when taken in addition to chemotherapy, since both target and kill cancer cells. As an added bonus, marijuana can help with some of the nastier sides of chemotherapy, like nausea and inability to eat or sleep well.
So far, all of these tests have only been done on animals, not people. Until cannabis is officially taken off of Schedule I status, we unfortunately won’t have clear and irrefutable data about the effects of cannabis on cancer or other illnesses. However, information like this is a great step towards understanding how cannabis can help fight cancer, and getting it de-scheduled.
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